I don't know about you, but I am the type of person that likes to calendar plan. It's so satisfying to see my calendar full of things that bring me joy. As we head into Q4, it creates time for reflection and also time for travel planning.
Travel may have been on the top of your mind over the last 19 months but you just haven't been ready to take on a big trip. Or you've started to travel again and want to add even more travel into your life for 2022.
Either way, you can use the following tips if you're looking to travel more in 2022. These are ways you can prioritize the desire to travel in your life and make the travel dreams you've been holding onto a reality.
1) Start Small
Travel exists everywhere. With the pandemic in mind, a lot of you may have not been comfortable getting on a plane or even exploring your own city. Start with what brings you joy. I believe everyone should explore widely starting with what makes you most comfortable. You can explore starting down the road, across the country, or around the world. By taking a new perspective you can find joyous events, activities, and places to explore just by stepping outside of your front door.
2) Block time on your calendar
I know you are all busy people. The best way to make sure that you get the chance to travel is to block off the time in your calendar. The sooner the better. Putting a block of time into your calendar and committing to the days you've blocked can be so helpful if you're the type of person who has a calendar that can quickly fill up with obligations. Hold yourself accountable to take the days off that you blocked. Prep your clients, coworkers, and/or boss that you plan to take that time off. Once you've committed to a time to go, it makes it much easier to actually take that trip you've been dreaming up for so long.
3) Make small adjustments in your life to save money for travel
Money can be a sensitive subject. But I often hear from people that the biggest reason why they don't travel is because they can't afford it. There are easy ways to start saving more for travel. Set up a savings account at your bank specifically for your travel funds. Every time you save money by making a small shift put it into the new travel savings account. You will quickly see the money start adding up. Some suggestions for small shifts that you can make to start saving: skip fancy coffee at coffee shops, have date nights in, buy a bottle of wine from the store then have wine night in the park. Skipping coffee at coffee shops alone can save you up to $1,200 a year. Cherish also has amazing women partnerships that sponsor deserving women to travel on our experiences. Get in touch to learn more about this opportunity.
4) Travel with a group
There are so many benefits to traveling with a group. Cherish specifically hosts group experiences to bring these benefits directly to women. Group travel can save you money, create new and lasting friendships, hold you accountable for going, provide safety during travel, and much more. Cherish has reimagined traditional group travel to allow for you to have choices on your trip, while still being part of a group. Personalized and curated itineraries allow you to have all the benefits of traveling solo without having to sacrifice the benefits of being with a group.
5) Ask for travel related gifts for the holiday this year
The holidays are coming up! If you're needing support from your friends and family to make travel a priority in your life, changing your holiday wish list can be a great way to do it. By asking for experiences or travel related gifts you are able to add travel and joyous experiences into your life without having to hold the full burden of the cost. You could ask for plane tickets, travel gift cards, ask friends to pitch in towards an activity or trip you've been dying to do together, new luggage, passport holder, or if you don't have a passport ask someone to gift you a passport!
6) Start doing your research
I constantly preach that planning ahead will create a better experience for you. That's why my last tip is to plan in advance. By planning your trips in advance you make the most of your time off. Looking into 2022, doing your research on which countries are open to tourism right now and which ones are planning to open can help you pick a destination and start planning. In our world today, doing your research can be pertinent to your overall experience. There are so many factors to consider so that you can have an enjoyable vacation. Weather, entry requirements, current health or diplomatic state of a country, vaccine requirements, locations to visit, food and water safety, just to name a few. If doing all of this research to help you plan ahead for your vacation stresses you out, hire a professional or join a tour. Did you know hiring a professional could actually save you both time and money on your next trip?
What tip do you find most helpful? Comment below to start a conversation.
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